
Employers have a duty to assess the risk of stress


Workers are under ever increasing pressures at work, often striving to deliver more with fewer resources. The resulting stress affects not only individuals, families and colleagues by impacting their health, but also impacts employers, with costs relating to absence, replacing staff, lost production and increased accidents. Employers may also face…

Don’t let payment disputes spiral into insolvency


Figures from the Office for National Statistics show that 2018 saw 16,578 new company insolvencies across 10 key industries. Of these industries, the construction sector, accounted for 3,202 insolvencies, or about one in five failures. This was the highest number for any sector in 2018 and a 14.7 per cent…

Inside contractors’ battle against daredevil trespassers


Recent years have seen an explosion in construction-site trespass incidents by so-called urban explorers. Miles Rowland investigates the problems these daredevils pose for contractors – and how they can be stopped

Legal finance could transform the way construction firms manage litigation


Legal disputes in the construction industry are, unfortunately, a fact of life, and the higher the stakes, the more damaging – and costly – they can be. The collapse last year of UK contractor Carillion brought many of the difficult challenges faced by the construction industry to light. Despite operating…

Watch out for these chilling construction nightmares


While Halloween is a time of gruesome tales and spooky surprises, nightmare scenarios can jump out at unsuspecting workers at any time of year. Brooding bats Stumbling across a battalion of bats roosting on a site can scare even the most hardened developer. These flying beasties are found not only…

Principal designers: Expect more HSE scrutiny

Chris Baranowski partner DAC Beachcroft

There has been little regulatory scrutiny of the role of the principal designer since it was introduced by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 to replace the role of the CDM coordinator. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has tended to focus its investigations on contractors and principal contractors…

Litigation privilege: Be careful who you speak to


The recent case of Skymist Holdings Ltd v Grandlane Developments Ltd before Mrs Justice Moulder in the Commercial Court, relating to an adjudication, had to consider the issue of litigation privilege in adjudication. Litigation privilege covers documents produced for the dominant purpose of litigation where the litigation is either in…

Mental wellbeing: An ethical responsibility, as well as a legal one


Reports of a mental health crisis at Britain’s largest construction project, Hinckley Point, have once again highlighted the challenges the construction sector faces with mental wellbeing. This struggle to manage and improve mental wellbeing leaves companies open to legal challenges, delay and cost. Employers and schemes that do not take…

What to do when you think the adjudicator is wrong


The courts will enforce an adjudicator’s decision even if it is wrong, whether in relation to the facts or the law. As the courts have stated: “The task of the adjudicator is not to act as arbitrator or judge... The need to have the “right” answer has been subordinated to…

Site accidents: Which claims can be made?


Preparations for the 2020 Football World Cup in Qatar were hit last month when contractors announced plans to launch an independent inquiry into the death of a British man who fell while working on a stadium in Doha. Zac Cox died in January 2017 after falling 130 ft from a…