McAlpine CEO: ‘I must transform the business without changing it’
Sir Robert McAlpine’s chief executive Paul Hamer speaks exclusively to CN on working with the notoriously secretive family firm and drawing up plans for the next 150 years.
10 Jul 2018 Comments Off on McAlpine CEO: ‘I must transform the business without changing it’
Sir Robert McAlpine’s chief executive Paul Hamer speaks exclusively to CN on working with the notoriously secretive family firm and drawing up plans for the next 150 years.
31 Jan 2018 Comments Off on Overhead demolition: McAlpine rebuilds above 150,000 commuters
Sir Robert McAlpine has been busy demolishing 100 Liverpool Street for British Land. The issue? It’s right above the heads of thousands of City workers.
12 Jan 2018 Comments Off on British Land splits risk with McAlpine on Broadgate’s next chapter
Sir Robert McAlpine is British Land’s sole contractor on the £1bn upgrade of London’s Broadgate Campus. So just what is SRM doing to instil so much faith in its client?